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Chairman Introduction

凯纳·格塔丘 | Kena Getachew
July 5, 2024
Huajian Chairman
















  • 2021年荣获“中国慈善家称号”
  • 2021年“全国最美退役军人”和“江西省最美退役军人”
  • 2019年荣获“联合国工业发展组织推进非洲工业发展亲善大使”
  • 2018年荣获“中国改革开放40周年百名杰出企业家”
  • 2017年荣获埃塞俄比亚总理府颁发“埃塞俄比亚工业之父”
  • 2014年荣获“中国光彩事业20周年突出贡献奖”
  • 2012年荣获“中国优秀企业家”
  • 2010年荣获“全国劳动模范”
  • 2009年荣获“全国五一劳动奖章”
  • 2009年荣获“全国扶残助残先进个人”
  • 2009年荣获“全国关爱员工优秀企业家”








  • 全国政协委员(第十二届、十三届)
  • 中国非洲人民友好协会副会长(第六届)
  • 中非民间商会副会长(第二届)
  • 全国工商联常委(第十一届、十二届)
  • 江西省工商联副主席(第九、十届、十一届)
  • 江西省人大代表  (第十、十一、十二届) 
  • 中国光彩事业促进会常务理事(第四届)
  • 江西省光彩事业促进会副会长(第二届)
  • 中国中非民间商会副会长(第二届、第三届)
  • 中国光彩事业促进会常务理事(第四届)
  • 江西省光彩事业促进会副会长(第二、三届)
  • 中国与全球化智库(CCG) 副主席
  • 一带一路国际智库合作联盟 副理事长
  • 亚洲鞋业协会主席
  • 世界莞商联合会副会长

Zhang Huarong, a native of Nanchang, Jiangxi, is a member of the 12th and 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a member of the Standing Committee of the 11th and 12th All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, a representative of the 10th, 11th and 12th Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress, and currently the chairman of the Asian Footwear Association. Chairman and President of Huajian Group.

Mr. Zhang Huarong started his own business in the early 1980s. From the start-up capital of a few people with a few thousand dollars, to today's well-known women's shoe manufacturing company at home and abroad, there have been three ups and downs. His experience is as he said, 'Ten years of shoemaking to lay the foundation for the business. Hard business travel is famous all over the world. When the company faced a crisis, he never backed down. With a high sense of responsibility and an incomparable love for the shoe industry, he persistently shouldered his responsibilities to employees, the industry and society. Because he faces not only more than 20,000 employees, but also more than 20,000 families behind them. No matter what difficulties there are, he must lead Huajian people to unite and overcome difficulties. He always said, "Huajian is not only mine, she also belongs to everyone and the whole society. We must not only; build a civilized small society and create an efficient large group, but also let more people work in Huajian. It is my greatest wish to live and work in peace and contentment in a big family, develop together, and truly realize 'survive for society and work hard for the industry."

Mr. Zhang Huarong has won:

  • National "Most Beautiful Veterans",
  • The National "Model Worker",
  • The National " May 1st Labor Medal",
  • The National Advanced Individual in Helping the Disabled,
  • The National "Excellent Private Entrepreneur who Cares for Employees", and
  • "2011-2012 National Outstanding Entrepreneur" and other honorary titles.

At the same time, Mr. Zhang Huarong regards being grateful for the times, contributing to society, and assuming social responsibilities as his own responsibility, and uses practical actions to ignite the light of responsibility in the hearts of Chinese entrepreneurs. After the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, while actively donating 1.2 million yuan, he also provided preferential treatment to 448 victims of the disaster in Aba Prefecture; established a 'self-improvement class' to find employment for 361 socially disabled people; and donated 120 million yuan to the Hope Project in Jiangxi Province. million; donated 500,000 yuan to Zhendu Township Central School in Shanggao County; donated 6 million yuan to build 16 Guangcai primary schools in Ganzhou, etc., establishing a good corporate image and winning wide praise from the Jiangxi and Guangdong regions.

Mr. Zhang Huarong also serves as:

  • Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conferenc (12th and 13th sessions)
  • Vice President of the China-Africa People’s Friendship Association (sixth term)
  • Vice President of China-Africa Private Chamber of Commerce (Second Session)
  • Standing Committee of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (11th and 12th session)
  • Vice Chairman of Jiangxi Federation of Industry and Commerce (9th, 10th, 11th session)
  • Representative of Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress (10th, 11th and 12th session)
  • Executive Director of China Guangcai Enterprise Promotion Association (4th term)
  • Vice President of Jiangxi Provincial Guangcai Business Promotion Association (Second Session)
  • Vice President of China-Africa Private Chamber of Commerce (Second and Third Session)
  • Executive Director of China Guangcai Enterprise Promotion Association (4th term)
  • Vice President of Jiangxi Provincial Guangcai Business Promotion Association (second and third term)
  • Vice Chairman, China and Globalization Think Tank (CCG)
  • Vice Chairman of the Belt and Road International Think Tank Cooperation Alliance
  • Chairman of Asian Footwear Association
  • Vice President of World Dongguan Merchants Federation